Retreats with Lalita Shivani.
Lets go to theNature
We invite you to leave the city & go to the nature by group of 10-20 people to the pure beautiful nature, around the world, for solitude and restoration of strength, healing, to immerse ourselves in our inner self for 3 (or 5-7-10) days.
Fresh air, clean water, organic detox food with ayurveda, comfortable accommodation,
Healing art therapy workshops, music & dance meditations:
- breathing practice; - yoga; - nada yoga musical meditations sound healing; - dance meditations; - healing by crystals; - lectures on healthy life; - learn to prepare healthy food
and drinks;
- learn how you can pray and do ceremonies, set the altar in accordance with ancient knowledge of the Vedas.
Massages, hot baths are additionally possible
with aromatic oils and sauna healing ceremonies.
And of course walks in nature and trips to holy
and historical places and temples.
It will be in the mountains, or next to the ocean, or in the jungle, or next to the lake, the river - in special places around
the world.
Special tours routes to holy places in Russia, India, Bali.
This experience will change your lifestyle, heal and recharge with new positive energy to achieve life goals,
and help in spiritual evolution.
Everything you are going to learn will help you to be stronger, healthy and just a happy person!
Groups are possible separately for women and men.
For organizing retreats, write to the mail